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The Bollywood Effect - India’s Soft Hold on the Globe

“Film is one of the three universal languages, the other two are mathematics and music” - Frank Capra

The Bollywood Effect - India’s Soft Hold on The Globe

Illustration by The Geostrata

India is seen globally as a land of wonder and magic. The diversity and rich cultural heritage fascinate the world and the same is reflected in Bollywood, India’s largest Hindi language film industry, producing over a thousand films annually. Cinema is a mirror of society and over time, Bollywood has grown to be a true manifestation of India’s vibrant cultural diversity with its catchy and (mostly) meaningful songs, storylines and charismatic actors.

Though, people have often misinterpreted the industry as just a mere source of entertainment; in the broad spectrum, it asserts a powerful presence of Indian diplomacy and image worldwide. 


The term “Bollywood” is made by combining the two words ‘Bombay’ and ‘Hollywood’. Referring to the Mumbai-based film industry that produces Hindi language films, Bollywood is a synonym for Hindi cinema. 

Indian cinema uses a mix of influences gathered from its long history, also reflecting a hint of outside trends. The evolution of Bollywood into its current form can be attributed to six major influences. These include drawing from Indian epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana for narrative styles, incorporating elements from Sanskrit and traditional folk theatre for spectacle and artistic expressions, infusing humour, music, and dance from Parsi theatre, being inspired by Hollywood's musicals and production scale, and adapting to changes in production influenced by music television channels like MTV post-1900s. 

“Raja Harishchandra”, Bollywood’s first full-length silent movie was created in 1913 by Dadasaheb Phalke.

The movie’s success contributed to countless movies that followed him as inspiration and expanded the Indian cinema industry to incredible heights. A few years later, in 1931, India’s first sound movie  “Alam Ara” was released. The first colour movie of India called “Kisan Kanya” was created in 1937. The Bollywood industry in the beginning was not as diverse as it is now. The movies followed similar, almost repetitive storylines and the actors also built a similar personality in all the roles that they portrayed in films. 


Firstly, the general songs that Bollywood composes are energetic and cheerful which instantly uplifts the mood of the listeners. Their easy-to-remember motifs are also easy to reproduce; making sure that the melodies remain in the memory. Secondly, the elaborate choreography in dance scenes arouses interest from the viewers. Classical Indian dance is a story told through gestures and movements.

It incorporates two basic elements- abhinaya and nritya meaning expression and dance respectively.

Nritya is a dance in its purest form, displayed through rhythms and physical movements. Abhinaya is rooted in emotions and expression that bring life to the dance and highlight the story behind the performance. Does Bollywood use classical Indian dances as a way of storytelling? Yes.

But does Bollywood ALWAYS make use of the classical Indian dances as a way for storytelling? Well, no! Bollywood has invented and perfected an altogether different genre of dance, known as the Bollywood genre. Bollywood dances are easy on the eye and have come a long way in maintaining a distinct style and identity. 

And then, of course, the plot of Indian films appeals to the viewers. From the wide range of stories that the cinema offers, the stories about ordinary people who face challenges that help them grow as individuals are always favorites among others.

The universality of the said stories and accessibility of the film language are the reason these films become superhit all over the world. 


The popularity of Bollywood films is not only in India, but across the border, reaching audiences in nations such as China, Nigeria, Russia, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States, among others.

Indian cinema is rightly categorized as a reflection of the country's culture and values.

However, discussions surrounding soft power and Indian cinema predominantly highlight Bollywood productions. Indeed, Bollywood has played a significant role in cultural exchange. 

The journey began with the release of Dharti ke Lal in the USSR, followed by Aan in 1952, which marked the first Indian film to be released globally.

This history of Bollywood's international presence is both extensive and significant. In recent years, Bollywood films have consistently ranked among the highest earners in overseas markets.

For instance, a decade ago, the film 3 Idiots, starring Aamir Khan, was released in China, reigniting interest in Bollywood within the Chinese market and achieving remarkable success. Khan's other notable films, such as P.K. and Dangal, also garnered substantial acclaim in China, earning more revenue than from the domestic Indian market.

“India’s soft power can serve as a crucial tool in foreign policy”, said Manmohan Singh, India’s former PM in a speech in 2008, acknowledging the significance of Bollywood. 

It was the time when India's film industry was beginning to evolve.


Bollywood, regarded as the cornerstone of the Indian film industry, is somewhat experiencing a shift as many of its devoted audiences turn their attention to the more heartfelt narratives emerging from the South.

With OTT platforms experiencing a significant growth in membership year after year; it appears that audiences are increasingly disenchanted with Bollywood.

The Bollywood Effect - India’s Soft Hold on The Globe

Image Credits: Rightful Owner

The traditional formulas that once captivated viewers—featuring star-studded casts, popular music, and action-filled dramatic narratives—no longer resonate as they once did. Sadly, in its quest to cater to everyone, it has sacrificed the unique allure that once defined its greatness. The lack of films that are engaging, relatable, and diverse in narrative is resulting in a failure to attract the audience's interest.

The uninspired storylines and lackluster plots reflect a disregard for the viewers' expectations, losing connection with the general populace. 


To have a greater power dynamic in global geopolitics, it is essential for the nation to see how its society engages in the world and also with the world. Coined by American political scientist Joseph Nye in his 1990 publication "Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power," the concept of 'soft power' was initially described as the capacity to influence the preferences of others through appeal and allure.

Initially characterized as non-coercive, Nye proposed that a nation's soft power could stem from three main sources: its cultural appeal, the adherence to its political values domestically and internationally, and the perceived legitimacy and moral authority of its foreign policies. 

Movies and the soft power of a country are inextricably linked. The role of Bollywood as a soft power tool lies in its longstanding appeal to a diverse range of individuals and cultures. The future of Bollywood lies in the narrative that their films bring to the stage because it is the relationship between national interest, government geopolitical strategy and the narratives in the art forms that bring together hard and soft power creating a market for the art outside country and use the art form to spread a message and connect with the global audience.

To achieve this, Bollywood needs to upgrade its storylines and narratives to align with national interests; which are conscious and appreciative of the beautiful Indian culture and values. 

For instance, in China, the popularity of female empowerment-centric movies like Dangal was achieved because the general public started to question their own country’s government and the laws for female protection. A thought-provoking, almost rebellious and movie with a cause was what helped India reach a global audience then. 

Bollywood has done it before, and it can do so now as well.




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