The Taiwan Island, which has a population of about 24 million, is located approximately one hundred miles off south-east China’s coast and has been home to numerous indigenous tribes for many centuries. This island has faced issues with China, since the 17th century, regarding its existence. China regards it as a renegade province and wishes to incorporate it into its territory.

Illustration by The Geostrata
India Taiwan have albeit posses cordial association with one another, Taiwan’s stance on India’s issues vis a vis Kashmir, Line of Actual Control (LAC), 9 dash and 10 dash lines, Arunachal Pradesh, Aksai Chin region and water disputes will play an important role in constructing their future bilateral relations.
This article discusses Taiwan's stance on India’s disputes and aims to examine the role of economic cooperation and cultural connections which might help in creating a network in future for their mutual goals focusing on stability and development in the Indo-Pacific region.
India has been supportive of the One China policy, but on the other hand, China has violated Indian sovereignty through border skirmishes and constant encroachment of land. Despite the high tensions between the communists and the nationalists in the region, both groups claim Arunachal Pradesh is a part of China.
In 2023 China introduced a new territory map with a new ten-dash line and the original nine-dash line was replaced by this projection which it had been using to make its claims in the South China Sea. With the revised map, the exclusive economic zone now extends to those waters surrounding the coastline of East Taiwan, marked by ten dashes.
The South China Sea contains the world’s most significant sea lanes and communication. It allows the transfer of trillions of dollars worth of merchandise and energy resources to Global North while the manufactured goods and food move to Global South. With the introduction of the 10- dash line in 2023, the international community called out China for breaching UNCLOS and regional maritime agreements.
On land, China has disputes with India over Arunachal Pradesh, referred to as Zangnan. This increased contention among India and China, worsening the existing conditions. India condemned these moves through a sequence of diplomatic dialogues.
The sharing of the Himalayan river waters is also an issue between India and China. After the 2020 Galwan border clashes, Beijing blocked the flow of the Galwan river and prevented it from entering India. China has also encroached in the waters of the Taiwan held Kimmen. Although India did not give any statement regarding the Taiwan Strait crisis, both Taiwan and India face issues with China in sharing the river waters.
Additionally, Taiwan has not involved itself on water sharing issues between the two countries, this issue can be used by two countries to collaborate and counter China’s increasing aggression in the region.
The United Nations is also an arena where the possibility of establishing strong bilateral ties between the two countries can also be explored with India accepting Taiwan as a member.
India should focus on its own objectives and should adopt a practical approach in matters with Taiwan. India has always been cautious in dealing with Taiwan. Despite minimal exchanges between governments, there is growing public support in India for Taiwan and its sovereignty.
Although India and Taiwan share similar principles and have no major disagreements, relations between the two will take time to develop. India has not established any formal diplomatic ties with Taiwan, however, the two governments have maintained unofficial diplomatic and political ties, collaborating in the economic and technological domain.
For instance, in February 2024, India and Taiwan signed a migration and mobility agreement, to improve their bilateral labor cooperation.
For instance, the 2023 Ketagalan Forum which was hosted by Taiwan saw the participation of Indian members which was a major feat in this direction. China’s displeasure with Indo-Taiwan ties can pose a challenge for the two countries. Both the countries would also have to work in areas such as tax regulations in order to ensure economic cooperation between the two countries. The way forward in Indo-Taiwan relations include cooperation in cultural, political and economic spheres.
Ties between India and Taiwan should be strengthened
Interesting read on India-Taiwan ties.🙌
Very very well analysed 👏👏