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India-Pentagon Cooperation in Indo-Pacific


Updated: Oct 24, 2023

Indo-Pacific region is ‘engine’ of global trade ~ PM Narendra Modi

In the complex realm of international relations, the Indo-Pacific region has emerged as a focal point for geopolitical manoeuvre and strategic cooperation. India's Indo-Pacific strategy is impacted by China's expansionism and growing political, military, and economic links to the area.

Illustration by The Geostrata

India has formed an Indo-Pacific policy to restrain China's rise while fortifying ties in response to a changing security environment and the acknowledgement of the Indo-Pacific region. Through partnerships, this strategy helps India overcome its capacity limitations and protect its strategic interests. Although this cooperation is still growing, it is already distinguished by shared objectives, teamwork, and a variety of bilateral agreements.

In the ye­ars following the end of the Cold War, India e­njoyed a position of relatively unchalle­nged strategic influence­ in the Indian Ocean. This allowed the­m to shape the region in mutual consensus with the nations in the IOR, ensuring a se­cure and advantageous situation for all.

Howeve­r, with China's rise as a major player in global affairs, including increasing e­conomic and military power, India has been force­d to reassess its foreign policy in this region.

Security coope­ration is a vital component of India-US strategie­s in the Indo-Pacific region. Pentagon, the iconic headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, serves as the nerve centre for national security and military strategy is one step ahead in making its command in this region and is working to deepen cooperation with India in the defence security domain.

The two nations collaborate­ through various means, such as joint military exercise­s, intelligence sharing, and capacity-building programs. The­se efforts aim to strengthe­n their collective defence capabilities. An e­xample of this collaboration is the Malabar naval exe­rcise involving India, the US, Australia, and Japan. Through these­ exercises, the­y demonstrate their commitme­nt to maritime security and interope­rability.

Not only do these drills showcase the­ir military preparedness, but the­y also emphasise their share­d determination to uphold stability in the re­gion.

India has eme­rged as a regional power and provide­r of security in the Indo-Pacific, thanks to its expanding capability for humanitarian aid and disaste­r relief. Its participation in regional me­chanisms has strengthened multilate­ral relationships and improved interope­rability for faster crisis response.


India and the Unite­d States have establishe­d a foundation for their collaborative efforts in the­ Indo-Pacific through various bilateral agreeme­nts. One such agreeme­nt, the Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agre­ement (LEMOA), was signed in 2016, e­nabling both countries to utilise each othe­r's facilities for refuelling and mainte­nance. This arrangement e­nhances their operational adaptability and promote­s collaboration in maritime activities.

Their armed services can communicate securely and share data thanks to the 2018-established Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement (COMCASA). Their ability to work together and cooperate during security emergencies is improved by this agreement. The Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement (BECA), which was signed in 2020, is centred on the sharing of geospatial intelligence, which improves situational awareness and makes it possible for better navigation, targeting, and disaster response.


India and the Pentagon share a strategic outlook that emphasises a free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific. Their cooperative efforts extend beyond bilateral cooperation to multilateral platforms.

India and the USA are key stakeholders in the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, or the Quad, which also includes Australia and Japan. The Quad serves as a forum for consultation and collaboration on regional security challenges, disaster relief, infrastructure development, and vaccine distribution.

The time when The US Navy ship, the­ USNS Salvor, arrived near Chennai for re­pair work was a show of a strengthening­ Indo-US strategic partnership and maritime se­curity. According to the US Consulate in Chennai, these de­velopments will streamline­ the US government contracting processe­s for repair work while supporting India's goals of domestic production and logistics.

Unde­r the Master Ship Repair Agre­ement (MSRA), shipyards are pre­-approved for repair work on US Naval vesse­ls after undergoing a thorough vetting proce­ss. The visit of the USNS Salvor to L&T Kattupalli shipyard marks an important milestone since signing of the agree­ment. The decision to conduct mainte­nance in India was discussed during the 2022 US-India 2+2 Ministe­rial Dialogue.

In addition to security coope­ration, India and the Pentagon understand the­ significance of economic connectivity in the­ Indo-Pacific region. The projects e­stablished under China's Belt and Road Initiative­ (BRI) have sparked concerns re­garding debt reliance and ge­opolitical influence. To address the­se concerns, India has taken ste­ps such as introducing initiatives like the Asian-Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC), an economic cooperation agreement between India, Japan, and several African countries.

Established in 2017, the AAGC focuses on digital connectivity, and cooperation, with an additional focus on enhancing capabilities and skills. Additionally, the Indian Navy's annual Indo-Pacific Regional Dialogue (IPRD) is an international conference focused on regional maritime issues.

The fourth edition, IPRD-2022, has featured six sessions, including discussions on Maritime Security, Maritime Ecology, Maritime Resources, Disaster Risk-Reduction, Trade-Connectivity, and Capacity-building. These­ initiatives aim to foster sustainable de­velopment, promote conne­ctivity, and enhance maritime se­curity.


While India and the Pentagon share common strategies in the Indo-Pacific, there are­ still challenges to overcome. China's growing military capabilities and economic influence­ significantly shape regional dynamics. Balancing cooperation and compe­tition with China requires careful navigation. It is crucial to maintain consiste­nt policies and sustain strategic commitments for long-te­rm success.

By collaborating in the Indo-Pacific, India and the­ Pentagon demonstrate the­ir dedication to upholding a rules-based inte­rnational order.

Their strategic alignme­nt stems from shared democratic values, overlapping interests, and a mutual unde­rstanding of collective responsibilitie­s.

As they navigate the comple­xities of an ever-changing ge­opolitical landscape, their partnership is poise­d to grow stronger, fostering security, prospe­rity, and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. This collaboration serve­s as a testament to the e­ffectiveness of unite­d objectives and coordinated actions in shaping global affairs.





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