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India-Australia Bilateral Relations - From Estrangement to Engagement

The strong partnership between India and Australia encompasses a complete framework of defence, financial, and cultural ties. In current years, each country has strategically aligned to deal with shared safety-demanding situations, especially within the Indo-Pacific vicinity, exemplified by the aid of their active participation within the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (QUAD).

Illustration by The Geostrata

Economically, the connection has been invigorated by employing the Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (ECTA), which has appreciably boosted bilateral trade and funding.

Culturally, projects just like the Australia-India Institute and the Maitri Scholars Program underscore the commitment to fostering robust people-to-people connections. This multifaceted collaboration highlights the mutual reputation of every other's strategic importance, paving the way for a strong and dynamic bilateral courting.


India has been engaged with Australia and vice versa as both partners have recognised the importance of their security partnership. The visit by Australia’s Deputy Prime and Defence Minister Richard Marles to India in 2022 signified this as the talk of enhancing the Comprehensive Security Partnership that emerged in 2009.

Here the Deputy Prime Minister signified, “I am committed to strengthening Australia’s defence and security cooperation with India. Australia is ready to work closer with India in support of an open, inclusive and resilient Indo-Pacific”.

The India-Australia Security and Defence partnership specializes in keeping an unfastened and open maritime domain. The QUAD, comprising India, Australia, the U.S., and Japan, is an alliance to shield the area's essential sea strains of communication and uphold a guidelines-based order.

This is explained by Scholar Estrada, “Analysts generally concur that the grouping is not an alliance but is instead focused on cooperation across areas of shared interest, in accordance with a very broad conception of security.” This refutes the argument that the role of QUAD is only to prevent the aggressive actions taken by China in the region.

This has resulted in both partners developing closer relations emphasised by the inaugral 2+2 Ministers Dialouge in 2021 and the subsequent one held in 2022, we were able to see how the defence ministers of both nations were able to agree on collaboration in security issues such as cyber, anti-drone, anti-submarine and artificial intelligence.

Furthermore to enhance and heighten defence commitments the Indian Defence Minister Mr. Rajnath Singh is said to have proposed, “shipbuilding, ship repair, and maintenance, as well as aircraft maintenance, repair, and overhaul as potential areas of cooperation.”

Therefore this displays strong commitment that both nations intend to preserve in areas in defence that seeks to maintain strong ties, this resonates in flourishing economic relations maintained by Canberra and New Delhi.


India and Australia have maintained strong economic ties due to their economic growth and the advent of Globalisation. Although marred by hindrances from economic policies that were affecting economic ties. Scholar Hall articulates how former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull thought about India, “As a wealthy businessperson and banker, he was critical of New Delhi’s protectionist preferences and perceived that doing business in India was unnecessarily difficult.”

However, post-2019 elections in both nations that saw the arrival of two visionary leaders Scott Morrison and Narendra Modi saw the former government believed it to be the step that would accelerate economic ties.

Post-pandemic, in 2022 we saw the establishment of The Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement between India and Australia that helps advance trade and facilitate business between both nations.

According to the Australian Department of Foreign Relations and Trade, The ECTA in 2023 helped raise exports of goods by 35% from 2022 which saw Agricultural Exports rise by two-thirds and industrial exports rise by a third. Imports from India saw a rise in 15% of Agricultural Products and 2% of Industrial Products.

Trade in Quantitative figures post the signing of ECTA saw Indian Exports rising to $5 Billion and Imports dropping to $8.3 Billion, helping Indian goods to reach Australian Markets and reduce the Balance of Trade deficit.

It is important to note that the FTA has also helped Australia to, “become India’s 10th top export destination in April-October 2023 with exports of $5.48 billion, with about 16% year-on-year growth.” All this indicates the constructive growth in their respective economies that both nations have faced which helps them build solid Cultural ties.


Though the India Economic Strategy till 2035, the Government of Australia has recognised it to be the most important asset. The Australia India Institute focuses on developing Cultural Diplomacy which is enhancing the Soft Power aspect of Diplomatic ties.

This program particularly tries to focus on growing public opinion and looking to develop intercultural ties. John McCarthy articulates, “diplomacy, or ‘soft power’, as a key policy tool within regional institutions also, such as the QUAD.

This has resulted in the Australian government creating the Centre for Australia-India Relations which helps facilitate scholarship programmes for Indian Students to study in Australian universities. This is highlighted through the Maitri Scholars Program providing grants for students to study in institutes.

Through the Maitri Grants and Fellowship programs, the aim is to support future leaders and working professionals to collaborate on Strategic Research and shared priorities. The Center aims to, “complement existing institutions and function as a center of gravity for the bilateral relationship.”

All this is to facilitate enhancing people-to-people relations and develop cultural exchanges for enhancing the bilateral ties between Australia and India.

On the topic of education, Deakin University has recently set up a campus in GIFT City, Gujarat, solidifying the sturdy instructional ties between India and Australia. This improvement is a testament to the high regard for Indian universities in Australia and vice versa, as ranges from each international location are recognised.

According to Australian Education Minister Jason Claire, “This demonstrates how highly regarded our universities are in India and the commitment from Australian universities to work with India to implement India’s National Education Policy,”

This initiative now not only fosters academic excellence, it also promotes cultural exchange and highbrow growth, paving the manner for a more knowledge between the two international locations in the realm of training.

These are the following recommendations for enhancing India Australian relations. From the perspecitve of defence both nations should Conduct joint military activities that would enhance intelligence sharing. The militaries should take part in multilateral projects that would protect a free and open Indo-Pacific vicinity.

Economy wise organise annual business summits, set up free alternate agreements and unique financial zones, and facilitate bilateral investments by streamlining regulations and providing incentives.

Culturally there should be promotion of exchanges through fairs, exhibitions, and collaborations amongst artists, writers, and musicians, and establish cultural centers and language institutes.


The multifaceted partnership between India and Australia, grounded in sturdy security, monetary, and cultural ties, maintains to flourish. The collaboration in security through initiatives like QUAD and protection dialogues showcases their joint commitment to a solid Indo-Pacific place. Economically, the ECTA has catalyzed widespread alternate boom, reaping rewards each international locations.

Culturally, programs like the Maitri Scholars Program and the Centre for Australia-India Relations are pivotal in strengthening bilateral ties via superior people-to-human beings exchanges. These complete efforts underline the strategic importance both nations vicinity on their courting, making sure a resilient and prosperous partnership inside the destiny.




8 opmerkingen

28 jul.



Well written!


Loved reading such indepth analysis!


Beautifully written



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