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Belt and Road Initiative at 10 - BRI Issue


Updated: Dec 30, 2023

The ancient silk route carried Chinese fine silk to Rome and Roman horses to China. The route was a lobby to two big civilisations of that time, as commodities weren't the only thing it carried. It also carried religion, ideas, culture, and lifestyles.

Cover Page of the Belt and Road Initiative at 10 Report by Covering China

Cover by The Geostrata

Currently, China is at the helm of recreating that history where all roads lead to Beijing, if not Nanjing (the ancient capital city).

Team CPRC, after two months of rigorous research, has compiled key Belt and Road Initiative projects across the world and distilled them for the audience who are interested in knowing what China is up to and what it is capable of. The BRI Issue is divided region-wise and attempts to cover key projects in the domain of public infrastructure such as ports, roadways, sea links, power stations, you name it.

The vision of the CPRC is to be one of the most accredited strategic analysis organisations that focuses on China as a state, China as a nation, and China as a civilization, for policymakers who intend to find credible information about China, for policy researchers who intend to study China at a granular level from various lenses, and for a general audience who have a deep interest in the black box called China.

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