Bharatiya Samskrtika Cetana - Tale of Disappearance
Charvak Philosophy - The Roots of Bharatiya Secularism
Words of Empire - Language & Diplomacy in Indian History
Fall of the West - Inevitability or Delusion?
Concepts of Advaitam in International Relations
Kremlin's Aquatic Chessboard - Russia's Mediterranean-Red Sea Nexus
Debating Democracy’s Dawn - Ancient Athens or India?
Maritime Implications of Extension of the US Continental Shelf
Feminism - Politics of Change & Gender Justice
India That is More Bharat
Strategic Choices Ethical Dilemmas: Stories From the Mahabharat
Equality or Enoughness? - A Debate
Taking on Plato: Does the Theatre have a Role to Play in a Democracy?
India's Cultural Soft Power: When Metaphor Meets Reality
Why is Lady Justice ‘BLINDFOLDED’?
Is Racial Self-Interest the Same as Racism?
The Geo Interview with Dr. Sharinee L. Jagtiani
मनुस्मृति और घर में महिलाओं की भूमिका
Unravelling Panpsychism - Solution to Depsychologized Consciousness
कामसूत्र - यौन संहिता और उसकी भ्रांत धारणाएं